



  More than any other treasure, Shijing 詩經 contains the historical roots of China, from which much of modern culture grew. From a lovelorn young man to an aging woman spurned by her wedded husband, from an elder statesman admonishing a young sovereign, to foot-soldiers facing the unspeakable fate of sacrificial burial, the love and war in Shijing serves as a key to unlock the cultural roots of Ancient China.

  The book presents the reader with a fascinating glimpse of the peoples of Ancient China by analyzing many poems in Shijing and discussing aspects of culture and events reflected in the poems from a wide range of disciplines, including archeology, ethnography, history and linguistics.

  Reading this book will enhance the general reader’s knowledge of Chinese culture as well as familiarity with the language as a “bare-bone”. Minimalist English translation is used which enables readers to get closer to and gain a better sense and flavor of the original text.


William S-Y. WANG

  William S-Y. WANG was Professor of Linguistics at the University of California in Berkeley for 30 years. He was elected to the Academia Sinica in 1992. In 1973, he founded the Journal of Chinese Linguistics, the first international publication in the field, and continues as its editor till this day. Currently he is Research Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Part 1
Chapter 1 A Magic Portal
Chapter 2 Battle of Muye
Chapter 3 Two Warriors: Fuhao and Shaohu
Chapter 4 Structure of the Shijing

Part 2
Chapter 5 Legacy of the Shijing
Chapter 6 Love in the Shijing: Guan Ju
Chapter 7 Love Requited and Unrequited
Chapter 8 Injustice in Death
Chapter 9 Femmes Fatales and Miracle Births
Chapter 10 Affairs of State: Praise, Complaint, and Admonishment
Chapter 11 Across Time and Cultures



  • ISBN:9789629372156
  • 規格:平裝 / 240頁 / 16k菊 / 14.8 x 21 x 1.2 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> >


By all accounts, the Chinese civilization is one of the great achievements of humanity, with numerous contributions to the arts and sciences over several millennia. However, a century and half ago, with foreign gun boats pointed at her cities and opium sapping her strength, China was falling to the edge of total disintegration. Yet miraculously, having weathered the worst ravages a civilization can endure over many dark decades, the Chinese people have risen again, from an abyss of humiliation, and are still rising. In looking at these people, one cannot but wonder who they were, where they came from, and what their cultural roots were. What were the Ancient Chinese like?

These were the thoughts that led me to write this book. I am not formally trained in all of the diverse topics discussed here, but have learned them only as an amateur in sporadic fashion, prompted by a sense of curiosity, and an abiding love for my native heritage. The subjects are so intrinsically interesting that I am eager to share them, in spite of how little I know. The joy I derive from telling the story here is not unlike that radiating from the face of the man with a drum in Figure 1 (p. 4).

I have tried to make these pages accessible to the general public, with no special expertise required, not even any training in the Chinese language. Chinese writing, what I call “sinograms” here, is put in footnotes at the bottom of each page so as not to intimidate readers not familiar with it. Putonghua and Hanyu Pinyin, as well as Sinogram traditional and simplified, are discussed in the Introduction. At the same time, however, I have supplied an extensive set of endnotes in the end of each chapter, presented at a more specialized level. Readers who wish to explore any of the topics covered here more deeply will find these endnotes helpful.

Several friends much more expert than I were gracious enough to look at earlier drafts of these pages, and offered valuable advice. These include Matthew Chen陳淵泉of the University of California at San Diego, Ho Dah’an 何大安 of Academia Sinica, Geoffrey Sampson 散復生 of the University of South Africa, Sun Jingtao 孫景濤of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Takashima Kenichi 高嶋謙一of the University of British Columbia. The suggestions from David Buckley卜大偉of the Oregon Health and Science University are invaluable for providing the viewpoint
of a reader from another field. Edmund Chan陳家揚of the City University of Hong Kong Press has been an unfailing source of editorial support, as he has been for several other books I have been involved with. Finally, I am particularly fortunate to have much expert advice from Ed Shaughnessy 夏含夷 of the University of Chicago during the final stage of the manuscript, saving me from many embarrassing errors. I regret that it was too late in the book production to follow all his wise counsel.

Above all, to Tsai Yaching 蔡雅菁 I owe not only the initial inspiration for this labor of love to explore our common heritage, but also the day-to-day intellectual and practical support over the many long months to see the project through. Many of the insights and observations gathered here actually came from her. All in all, one could not ask for a better muse!

Despite much help I have received from them, and from many other generous friends, surely there are numerous inadequacies which remain. I can only hope that kind readers will point these out to me so that I can continue to learn.

There is a Chinese saying, pao zhuan yin yu拋磚引玉, literally “throw brick attract jade.” It comes from a story in the Tang dynasty, in which someone tried to induce a famous poet to compose by starting a poem with some of his own lines. His wish came true when the famous poet came and added several more talented lines to polish off the poem. In publishing this little book, I am hoping that readers who are much more knowledgeable than I will continue to explore the wonderful world of Ancient China, and share their explorations with us.




... 以前經常聽說無貨源開店,往往會聯想到一些套路,當然那種無貨源開店和下面要講的,無貨源模式不是一回事。 原來的無貨源開店主要指的是淘寶店,會有專門做這方面培訓的,但基本上都是一些套路,說的挺好,「賺錢容易」,可交完錢到了做的時候,才發現根本不想說的那麼簡單,不過人家已經收完學費,能不能賺錢就靠你了。 進入2020年後,經常聽到無貨源模式,而且已經成為創業的新趨勢,這裡所說的無貨源模式,並不單指開淘寶店鋪,而是很多個平臺都可以操作,無貨源就是不用囤積商品,就可以銷售的方式。 開淘寶店鋪以前是可以賺錢,比如當時的分銷模式,後來由於競爭激烈,技術門檻又高,所以能夠堅持做很難,下面就讓我們了解一下無貨源模式的操作方法。 ... 無貨源開店: 無貨源開店可以多個平臺操作,這裡簡單的介紹三個,第一個就是大家比較熟悉的淘寶店,第二個就是閒魚店,第三個就是微店。 無貨源的淘寶店鋪,貨源基本來自自身平臺,為什麼很多人做淘寶店鋪覺得很難,主要是淘寶平臺的管理比較成熟也比較嚴格,當發生糾紛的時候平臺會傾向於消費者一方。 而且淘寶的規定也比較多,比如淘寶店鋪的版權問題,如果使用別人店鋪商品的圖片,會面臨被投訴處罰的風險。還有淘寶的7天無理由退換貨問題,如果買家要退貨,就比較繁瑣和麻煩了,這些都是淘寶店比較難做的原因。 還有就是如果想在淘寶上做大,就要高投入,比如開直通車、鑽展、聚劃算等,當然即便是這樣做了,也並不見得會有好的銷量。 閒魚應用是屬於淘寶旗下的一款產品,而且是和淘寶無縫連接的,比如我們會經常在閒魚上點擊到淘寶的廣告,會直接進入到淘寶的店鋪。最初閒魚主要是閒置二手商品的交易平臺,但隨著人氣的不斷增長,越來越多的專業賣家也加入了進來,閒魚相比淘寶的規定就寬鬆了許多,最主要的是沒有7天無理由退換貨,這就會減少賣家的很多麻煩。 貨源也可以是多平臺的,比如淘寶、拼多多等,只要是有利潤差價的平臺都可以,操作也比較簡單,複製圖片,然後複製內容,如果有買家購買,在到商品原來的店鋪去購買,只要把發貨地址填上閒魚上買家的地址就可以了。 微店主要是藉助微信好友和朋友圈的流量,優點是溝通比較方便,貨源也可以多平臺採集,淘寶、拼多多、包括閒魚等,定價方面也會更靈活,所以說微店相比淘寶店鋪來說還是有很大優勢的。 這種無貨源微店不同於傳統的微信銷售,沒有囤貨沒有線下代理,進貨方式更加靈活,而且還可以借鑑早前的微信營銷引流方法。 ... 無貨源帶貨: 無貨源模式還有一種就是無貨源帶貨,帶貨的方式也有很多種,比如自媒體平臺,還有就是短視頻平臺,另外也有音頻節目平臺,基本上目前流量比較大的平臺,都有帶貨的功能功能。 平臺會根據你銷售出去的商品分給你提成,而且不用考慮售後的問題,其實現在很多網紅都會有很多商家主動找上門,這種方式比較難的地方是要輸出消費者喜歡的內容,才能打動他們的購買慾望。 無貨源帶貨可以說是新型電商的銷售模式,從傳統的選址、進貨、經營,到現在的零成本投入,賺錢變得容易了很多。 ... 無貨源模式優點: 最大的優點就是投入少成本小,而且風險也很小,所以非常適合創業者們。現在如果是開一家實體店鋪,最少投資也要十幾萬,幾十萬投資也是很平常的事。 另外就是它的銷量沒有限制,不像實體店鋪會受到客流量的制約,只要你商品的曝光量大,商品的銷量也就會大。 疫情期間受到衝擊最大的就是實體店鋪了,店鋪沒有客流量也就沒有了收入,而且還會面臨房租的損失,而無貨源帶貨就不會受這方面的影響,基本在家裡也可以完成訂單,即便是不想做了也不會面臨損失。 簡單總結一下這種模式的優點,就是投資少、損失小、操作靈活,不受地域限制等。 ... 無貨源模式缺點: 當然這種銷售模式也並非十全十美,首先是貨源不穩定,只有是上游商家持續供貨的情況下,才能保證有上架商品, 其次是時間成本多,我們要同時顧及三個方面,上游商品的貨源,還有價格是否有變動,其次就是自己店鋪的優化,要保證有足夠的曝光量,最後就是要解決顧客隨時諮詢的問題。 再有就是利潤低,雖然是投入少風險小,但利潤方面也會少很多,相同商品比較多,消費者很容易進行比價,如果價格高出很多,基本上也不會有人購買,如果要想提高銷售利潤,就要樹立店鋪形象,比如消費量多,好評率高等。 ... 無貨源模式要注意哪些: 首先是要遵守平臺規定,多了解平臺制定的條款,儘量避免和消費者發生糾紛,如果糾紛多了店鋪的權重就會下降,同時曝光量也會減少,也就直接影響到產品的銷量。 定位類型最好垂直,商品最好能和店鋪銷售的類目統一,比如廚具產品,基本上商品也要圍繞這個類型來做,還有就還內容要和商品統一,比如李子柒做的視頻,她所賣的商品就是視頻中出現過的,所以銷售起來也比較容易。 ... 結語: 雖然早就有無貨源銷售的方式,但真正的無貨源模式才剛剛起步,這種方式也更適合普通的大眾創業者,而且門檻比較低,無論是小白,或是寶媽,即便是兼職都是比較不錯的,所以如果想嘗試這種銷售模式,一定不要錯過剛剛起步的這個時機。















豐原短髮帶來的新鮮感推薦髮型設計工作室 台中東區漂染頭髮護理推薦染髮店 台中北區美髮推薦和平雙色全染專業染髮燙髮髮廊 台中東區修改肩髮推薦髮廊專業剪髮推薦髮廊 台中北區染髮推薦和平韓系厚瀏海專業染髮燙髮髮廊 大肚韓男刻髮推薦髮廊 台中染髮推薦ptt沙鹿韓式髮根燙推薦髮廊 太平洋SOGO附近如何維持頭髮的顏色推薦染髮髮廊 霧面質感台中染髮推薦

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